Wow, it's been a looong time since I've posted. Summer weather/family visits/vacation/computer fatigue have all combined to make me really not want to devote the time to typing. But today is too big a day to miss. It's huge. An epic day. Global even.
The Olympics, you say? No. It's "
Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day." Well, I don't care much for a few of our neighbors (
Muffy) and those that we like we've already donated plums to. I say we keep our zucchini and make
zucchini bread. Yum...epicurean selfishness.
If you're wondering, of course I'll be enjoying my bread with a little
Michael Phelps on the side. LOVE the Olympics. Gymnastics, hot swimmers, sad stories about drought-ridden Ethiopians who could still kick my tail at swimming, despite the fact that they've seen a swimming pool once? I'm so there. Plus, when else can you watch table tennis on national television? Go Team USA!