Tuesday, 5 February 2008

"Love was made for you and me..."

Valentine's Day is coming up. I know as a singleton, I'm supposed to be bitter about the fact that I have no one to buy me over-priced roses and candy. Strangely though, I've never hated Valentine's Day. It's a close fourth (to Christmas, the 4th of July, and my birthday) on the list of my favorite holidays. I mean the stores are covered in hearts, everything's suddenly available in red and pink, and it's free license to partake in awesome chocolate (not that I need an excuse...) Anyway, Valentine's is perfectly awesome in my opinion, even if my prince hasn't come. (Though if I have a secret admirer out there, pink and orange roses are my favorite : ) )

In the spirit of the holiday, here's a great thing you can do, whether you're coupled or not. Art2Heart is an organization that arranges an exchange of art produced by Americans with ones created by orphans in India. Basically, you make some sort of painting, drawing, etc, mail it in, and the leader takes it with her on her trip. Then, upon her return, she mails you a piece from your new friend in India. Since Valentine's Day is all about making pretty cards with glitter and crayons, why not create something that could make a kid's day?

Then, with all the good karma you've gained with this move, treat yourself to some pink and red m&ms or perhaps some Cupid Cupcakes!

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