Thursday, 1 May 2008

"There are two kinds of people in the world: those who love chocolate, and communists."

While I'm on the travel report kick, I thought I'd write a little post about Paris and chocolate. I thought I was going to be writing this post in February after coming back from Belgium (mmm waffles and chocolate.) Due to my forgotten passport, a couple of impossibly late ferries to/from Calais, and yet again waiting for ages in a disturbingly empty station in northern France (I'm sure Nicholas remembers our experience with this 2 years wasn't any better this time), I didn't actually ever make it to Belgium. Whatevs...wasn't meant to be. I did get the better part of an 850-page novel read!

I ended up satisfying my chocolate lust in March with possibly the only better substitute for Belgian chocolates imaginable...the Nutella Crepe.

Mmmm, I've had this on my list of things to do in Paris for ages. I vividly remember the first taste of Nutella I had three years ago, incidentally in Paris. So good. It's a dangerous thing for me to have around though, so I save it for special occasions. The market down the street from me here in London has a vendor who sells crepes. I have remained resolute, however, and my Paris crepe lived up to my imagination.

The crepe was not the only awesome thing about Paris. Here are a few other pictures from the trip:

1 comment:

Nicholas said...

Yeah, I wonder what happened to those people who were sitting on the wrong train. And from your title; In Soviet Russia, the Chocolate loves to eat you.