Thursday, 17 July 2008

I hate thieves.

Someone stole my money! Stupid, stupid person. Somehow someone in PA got a hold of my debit card info and charged up a storm. Luckily I checked it today and now have a new card on the way, but still...What a hassle. And I still physically have the card, so I'm not really sure how they charged hundreds of dollars worth of stuff at a 7-11. Bizarre. Anyway, hopefully my bank won't play around and not refund my money. The guy on the phone was super nice, but you never know. Today has been something of a messed up day.

Alas...apartment search tomorrow (which is even more not fun than restoring a bank account) and then on to AR. That should be fun at least.

1 comment:

Emily Hamblin said...

Yeah, account theft sucks. I had that happen, except the thefts occurred online and only a $1 at first then a larger amount. I didn't notice the dollar debits until the larger amounts so I only recuperated some of the stolen money.

Good luck on finding an apartment! I'm sure it won't go too badly. I hope you find a cute space.