Monday, 20 April 2009

"Now listen, you ten-cent glamour girl."

...So then I didn't post for nine months. Anyway, the next few weeks will likely be crazy - stupid school work getting in the way of real life - but I intend to resurrect this blog once I've graduated. In the meantime, I think it's particularly sad that my last post is about Michael Phelps. He's somewhat lost his appeal, what with the pot smoking and cavorting with slutty girls.

I think we need a new favorite thing to focus on. How about this blog? It's about vintage clothes and has the loveliest pictures. I have a secret ritual in the morning where, when I'm getting dressed, I like to pretend I'm a girl reporter from the 1940s. I always feel a sad deficiency of hats in my wardrobe, but otherwise it makes the daily grind more fun. The author of that blog would understand I think.

1 comment:

Emily Hamblin said...

I totally agree about the hats! The only hat stores I've found are for, well, crowns. As cool as those are, I'm not black. It just doesn't work.