Sunday, 20 January 2008

National "Celebrate A Random Holiday" Day

Hey, it's National Penguin Awareness Day! I believe I will mark the occasion by wearing my penguin pjs. I haven't seen March of the Penguins or Happy Feet yet, but have heard they're both quite good, so if you (unlike me) have access to Netflix or Amazon UnBox, waddle over, grab a seat, and bask in the cuteness.

Don't forget National Observe the Weather Day, coming up on the 25th. Wouldn't want be wandering down the street and become confused at why you're getting all wet. Observe! It's raining. (I forecast rain simply because it seems to rain everyday in London in January. Bah. Good thing I have my GustBuster umbrella. Seriously, this thing is amazing.)

Incidentally, it's also National Soup Month and National Oatmeal Month, both of which I partake of often. Look at me being all festive! By the way, Quaker has a ton of yummy looking oatmeal recipes here if you too want to endorse the "holiday for everything" trend!

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