"It's a sad day when I find myself agreeing with Pat Buchanan who said that New Hampshire decided to body slam the pundits: 'We practically canonized Obama and said he had been born in Bethlehem. New Hampshire said 'I don't think so.'" Ha!
It is kind of unbelievable how much the mainstream media has seemed to latch onto Obama. I'm no defender of Hillary and generally don't buy into the liberal bias in the media, but come on. I noticed the slant during the coverage of Iowa and it appears most of the pundits had New Hampshire tied up before the election.
Chris Matthews in particular seems to really hate the Clintons. Again from a forum I read: "[Chris] talked about Obama's speech and said he teared up and then looked like he was going to cry while he said Barack must be heartbroken after last night."
Of course this is from someone else's perspective, so it might not be true but I'm going to pretend it is. The great love affair of Chris and Barack. Two men divided by jobs. Distance. Color. But not by Destiny. Dun Dun Dun. Well something has to amuse me during the trainwreck of modern media coverage!
But all of that is negative and this is a blog about happy things! So let's talk about how great Tom Brokaw is. Apparently he sort of laid into Tim Russert and Chris Matthews last night about how reporters need to, you know, report the news and not attempt to create it. That's my inappropriately old news boyfriend. You go Tom! 'O8 won't be the same without you.
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