The thing is...I'm not sure I'd be totally opposed to that. I kind of love Google. Gmail is the bomb, this blog is apparently associated with them and it's remarkably easy to navigate, their search engine rocks my world, Scholar has saved me on many a paper, and they are truly the masters of the little extra touch. I can't be the only one who gets excited every holiday to see what they've put up on the search page to celebrate. I think the skating penguins were my favorite.
So, yes, Google will always have its haters, and the Google guys certainly don't need me defending them given that they're gazillionaires (googilianaires?) But every now and then it doesn't hurt to think of all that those guys have given us. I wouldn't be able to waste nearly as much time without their help. Cheers to the big G!
(And psst...to the haters: I found your website using Google. Is that ironic or what?)
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