Wednesday, 19 December 2007

"A striking display produced by the combustion of explosive or flammable compositions"

"Fireworks." That was the word of the day today on my word-a-day calendar. "Fireworks." Come on calendar people! I mean I know it's December, so it might be harder to find cool words, but who doesn't know what fireworks are?

One of my resolutions for this year was to learn and use 20 words. I've been writing down new words from my calendar throughout the year. Because I'm a procrasinator, I haven't exactly learned them yet. Thus, I'll be posting my list here. That counts right?

Here are 5 to start with. I can guarantee that "fireworks" will not be appearing on this list.

1. Halcyon - adj. - calm, peaceful, happy, golden

"Every Christmas I get sentimental thinking about the halcyon days of yore." (I don't really think halcyon can be properly used without 'days of yore.' It's not nearly as cool any other way.)

2. Coruscate - v. - to be brilliant or showy

"That man was coruscating by drinking Guinness."

3. Comestible - adj. - edible

"My cupcakes are highly comestible; my cooking, not so much."

4. jeremiad - n - a prolonged lamentation or complaint

"When the Amazon seller neglected to fulfill her order, she left quite a jeremiad as feedback."

5. quodlibet - n - a whimsical combination of familiar melodies or texts

"Helen Fielding's work is a charming quodlibet of Austen within a modern setting."

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