Friday, 21 December 2007

Never use one word when you can use ten...

A new set of three-dollar words with which to annoy your family and friends:

imbroglio - n. - a complicated and confused situation

panjandrum - n. - a powerful personage or pretentious official

ludic - adj. - characterized by play; playful

apparatchik - n. - member of a cummunist apparat; an official blindly devoted to superiors or the organization

tog - v. - to dress up in fine clothing, usually used with up or out

hypnagogic - adj. - the period of drowsiness right before sleep

gainsay - v. - to declare to be untrue or invalid

gallimaufry - n. - hodgepodge ( about replacing an awesome word with an even more awesome one!)

encomium - n. - glowing and enthusiastic praise

desultory - adj. - marked by lack of plan; disappointing in performance or quality

interpellate - v. - to question (as a foreign minister) formally concerning official actions, policies, or conduct

promulgate - v. - to make known or put into force by open declaration

ersatz - adj. - being usually artificial and inferior substitute

gadzookery - n. - the use of archaisms (as in a historical novel)

recrudescence - n. - a new outbreak after a period of abatement or inactivity, renewal

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