Saturday, 8 December 2007

"Shoes! If not now, when?"

Man did Miss Piggy ever have it right. I like shoes (understatement of the year...) I've never felt such kinship with a character in a novel as when Becky Bloomwood confessed her secret that sometimes she takes all her shoes out, lines them up on her bed, and photographs them. Her explanation is that she has all sorts of pictures of people she doesn't like, why shouldn't she have pictures of things she does? Makes perfect sense. Shoes in their best form are art.

That said, I have the tendency to only actually wear a few pairs in my closet. These are usually my cute, but not spectacular mary janes, my practical black flat boots, or my snazzy purple tennis shoes. [Aside: Sometime last year, I was looking through a catalog and they listed a pair of shoes as "snazzy tennies." I don't know why it made me laugh so hard, but it cracked mom up too. Something about that combination...]
Anyway, I have a lot of other fabulous shoes that I should be wearing. It's just...I walk a lot. To the point where even my comfortable shoes are all kind of starting to hurt. So I have a mission to find a replacement pair of black flats. They probably won't be spectacular, but that's ok. I'm sure I'll find a few other pairs when I'm shopping that are just crying out to be displayed proudly on my shelves, like the Rembrandt-esque pieces they are. And maybe at some point I'll even wear them.

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